The Many Reasons You Need Sleep

According to the CDC, lack of sleep is a public health epidemic, noting that insufficient sleep has been linked to a wide variety of health problems.  After reviewing more than 300 studies to determine how many hours of sleep most people need to maintain their health, an expert panel concluded that, as a general rule, […]

Removing Toxins to Repair Digestive Health

Today we’re really going to focus on removing toxins and repairing digestive health. Toxins are one of the biggest barriers that I see that’s weakening the immune system everyday. So, what you have to do is remove the toxins from your daily life.

How to Prevent and Defeat Cancer with Your Mind – Week 1

Knowing isn’t half the battle. It is the battle. Understand the enemy’s weaknesses to conquer your fears. Subluxation subverts even the healthiest looking people and allows disease to develop. This week you will adopt the mindset of an Overcomer and begin maximizing your body’s powerful nerve supply. If you believe you have the power to […]

How a Toxic Burden Leads to Cancer Risk

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), “Laboratory studies show that pesticides can cause health problems, such as birth defects, nerve damage, CANCER, and other effects that might occur over a long period of time.” These health effects can be especially prevalent in children because they weigh less, and their natural detoxification mechanisms are still developing. Due […]

Sugar: The Biggest Immune System Killer

Essential #3 of the Max Living essentials is nutrition. The biggest killer to your immune system is sugar. This is all forms of sugar Common table sugar Breads and grains Artificial sweeteners High fructose corn syrup and fructose itself.

How to Have More Energy Every Day

I believe that when you live with energy and  you have that energy within you unlocked, every area of your life improves! You have the energy to wake up early and have a healthy breakfast with your kids. Your relationships improve. Your mood improves. You perform better, more calmly and with more clarity in your […]

How Spinal Subluxation Interferes with Immune Health

Subluxation is the most dangerous condition that I see in my office and what chiropractors specialize in correcting. Subluxation is the misalignment in your spine that’s interfering with your nervous system function. It can have a devastating effects on the way your immune system works because every single cell, tissue, organ and gland is controlled by your nervous system […]

Discover the Most Important Immune Superfoods

Immune superfoods boost up your immune system and make it as strong as possible. Ready to learn what the most important superfoods are? Watch the video below.

What is the Genetic Risk of Cancer?

This year, more than 1 million Americans and more than 10 million people worldwide are expected to be diagnosed with cancer, a disease commonly believed to be preventable. Only 5–10% of all cancer cases can be attributed to genetic defects, whereas the remaining 90–95% have their roots in the environment and lifestyle. This statement is […]

The Effect of Stress on Your Immune Health

How does stress affect your immune health? 90% of all health conditions that end up at the doctor start with stress. Stress can be good, but it also can be very bad if it’s on-going. Why?

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Dr. Catherine is a Certified Birthfit Professional
Association - preferred by Dr. Axe local provider
ICPA Kids Health with Chiropractic supporting memeber
Rocklin Chamber of Commerce member
Roseville Chamber of Commerce member