The Amazing Health Benefits of Level 2 Spinal Correction

Most people don’t think of seeking chiropractic care unless they have a car accident or are suffering from things like neck pain, back pain, and headaches. But chiropractic care can help with so much more. I see tremendous results in this office for people who have had health problem for years. What we don’t do […]

Why You Should NOT Ignore the Warning Signs of Spinal Issues

When you walk into a doctor with high blood pressure, headaches, neck pain or other symptoms their solution is typically to prescribe medications that cover up the pain. The real problem may be that you have subluxation. [Refer to video below] This is what a normal curve in your neck is supposed to look like. […]

Should I Consider a Chiropractor as My Primary Care Provider?

You have the greatest doctor already inside of you! The best cardiologist in the world runs your heart, and you don’t think about it. The best immunologist runs your immune system and fights ANY cold without any help. The best gastroenterologist runs your digestive system without any Tums. The best neurologist runs your brain and […]

Scary Health Effects of Xenoestrogens And How to Avoid Them

Xenoestrogens. Have you heard of them? Xenoestrogens are things in our environment that mimic hormones in our body, in this case, estrogen. So, one of the biggest reasons estrogen is getting out of control is because we’re surrounded by it all the time. It’s in all of our plastics. It’s in a lot of our […]

Build Your Immune System Naturally by Removing These 3 Stressors

Our bodies are constantly under attack from foreign invaders such as environmental toxins, pollutants, bacteria, germs, and viruses. The immune system is our body’s natural defense against these attackers. The immune system is made up of organs, structures and white blood cells whose job it is to identify and destroy disease-causing organisms. These include bacteria, […]

The Life Giving Benefits of Kangen Water

There are toxins in almost all of your household products! I challenge you to go home and check out what you are using. You’re going to see parabens in almost everything. You’re going to see BPA in all the stuff you have at home. You’re going to see these toxic xenoestrogens that are all around […]

Stress is killing you. Why you must reduce it now.

Stress can be a really good thing. But what happens to your body when you are constantly under stress? How can you reduce stress naturally?

3 Stressors that Burden Your Immune System

Our bodies are constantly under attack from foreign invaders such as environmental toxins, pollutants, bacteria, germs, and viruses. The immune system is our body’s natural defense against these attackers. The immune system is made up of organs, structures and white blood cells whose job it is to identify and destroy disease-causing organisms such as: Bacteria […]

3 Ways to Remove Excess Estrogens Naturally

Worried about having too much estrogen in your body? Afraid of the conventional treatments prescribed by doctors? Watch this short video segment to learn how to remove excess estrogens from your body naturally.  

The Little Known Risks of Adrenal Dominance

When stress happens, it affects your adrenal glands. Your adrenal glands are super important. Adrenaline is that feeling that you get when you are in that situation when things are like BAM! and everything’s a jam, you feel awesome. That’s adrenaline. But,  if you’re getting that all the time, it causes some issues. So, adrenaline […]

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Dr. Catherine is a Certified Birthfit Professional
Association - preferred by Dr. Axe local provider
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