
Top 10 Super Foods

Super foods! You should get many or all these in your diet every single day. Super foods have the most nutrient value to your body for the amount that you take in. What are these superfoods?

Top 10 Toxic Foods

So here’s the Top 10 Most Toxic Foods that’s in a lot of people’s diets every day. Salad dressings. Replace it with olive oil & vinegar. Candy. There’s no good candy, sorry. Deli/Packaged meats – full of additives, full of chemicals, nitrates, added sugars White bread is not even food. Sprayed produce Margarine

Weight Loss is Not About Cutting Calories

Weight Loss Myth: Weight is NOT about cutting calories. If you starve yourself, you’re going to lose weight. But, Is that sustainable? Is that healthy? Is that going to work? No. Is that making you healthier? No. It’s making you sicker. It’s the opposite of good. So, we’re not going to care that much about […]

How Your Nervous System Health Affects Your Overall Health

Your Nervous System Controls All Function and Healing That one powerful system that controls your function and healing is your nervous system, the most important system in your entire body. There is not one thing that goes on in your body that your brain doesn’t control. Your brain sends a message right down your spine out […]

What’s the Real Cause of Heart Attacks?

As we all know, the conventional view holds that the central event of heart disease occurs in the arteries, with the buildup of blockage called plaque. This understanding is crucial since, during the last fifty years, the pursuit of the coronary artery theory has cost us dearly: Our nation has spent billions of dollars in unnecessary […]

Your Hormone Health and Wellness

Hormones And Your Health Hormones play a big part in controlling your health and to make changes to your health you need to get your hormones work the way they should. If you consume an overabundance of sugar. You body will start storing fat. Stored energy is fat.

Top Sugar Alternatives

What if one day you woke up without any grain of sugar existing? You don’t have to panic, there are these sugar alternatives that are as good as sugar itself. Here are some good sugar alternatives: Stevia Xylitol Coconut sugar Honey You can still have a lot of things that you enjoy. It’s not about […]

Nutrition for Weight Loss

Are you wondering on an effective way to lose weight? Why not consider these nutritional advice and two plans you might want to use. There are two plans: Core plan and Advanced plan. The core plan is for people who use an abundant amount of energy every single day like athletes. The advanced plan is […]

Weight Loss is Not About Your Weight

Weight loss isn’t about the number on the scale. You are not a number on a scale. It explains very little about what’s going on inside your body. The most important part is your body composition. How much fat do you really have? How much of that weight is going to your muscle mass? How much of that weight is […]

What is a GMO & How Does it Affect Me?

As doctors committed to preventing disease – and finding actual causes of disease when they do arise, it gets complicated to find answers. There are two major issues revolving around food today: “What” people are eating “How” what they’re eating is being grown or raised. At New Life Chiropractic, we know that health is produced […]


Dr. Catherine is a Certified Birthfit Professional
Association - preferred by Dr. Axe local provider
ICPA Kids Health with Chiropractic supporting memeber
Rocklin Chamber of Commerce member
Roseville Chamber of Commerce member

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