
Gain Energy and Lose Weight With the Ketogenic Diet

  Are you looking for a way to lose weight effectively? To have abundant energy throughout the day? To put on lean muscle mass? To be the best you everyday? When it comes to nutrition, there’s a ton of fad weight loss diets out there. Weight Watchers Jenny Craig and many more. Some people do […]

How Quality Nutrition Prevents Disease and Promotes Weight Loss

We have been talking about the road to health and the 5 Essentials of Max Living.  For the next 5 weeks, I will help you understand how to better apply each Essential in your life for a better health outcome! This week is Max Nutrition. Nutrition Max quality nutrition results from following nutritional science that […]

Healthy Holiday Recipes

3 favorite Holiday Recipes Pumpkin Pie with Almond Crust For those of you that want a healthy and lactose-free version of the traditional Pumpkin Pie that tastes delicious, this is the recipe for you! The almond pie crust is the perfect substitution for all of your holiday treats. 1 15oz Can (preferably organic) pumpkin puree […]

Why Does Inflammation Cause Disease and How Can It Be Cured?

You must understand that inflammation is the cause of disease. Let me repeat that so everyone completely understands: Chronic inflammation is the cause of dis-ease. The good news is that there are many proven and effective methods to reduce and eliminate inflammation in the body.  The most effective way is to live and breathe the […]

How To Pick Healthy Foods At The Grocery Store: A Guided Tour

Confused about which foods are healthy? Have you ever wanted to be taken by the hand and shown which foods to buy at the grocery store that will be best for you and your family? Dr. Tim Smith from New Life Chiropractic in Rocklin recorded a guided shopping tour covering the food groups he gets asked about most often. Come […]

How to Maximize Your Nutrition with an Advanced Eating Plan

This week I want to introduce you to the Max Living Advanced Nutrition Plan. This nutrition plan is designed to: Reduce inflammation Restore cell membrane function in order to aid detoxification Regulate hormones Promote the use of fat as the body’s primary source of energy. Those who want to lose weight, reduce the need for […]

What Is a GMO and How Does It Effect Me?

As doctors committed to preventing disease – and finding actual causes of disease when they do arise, it gets complicated to find answers. Not only are there issues with “what” people are eating, but also with “how” what they’re eating is being grown or raised. At New Life Chiropractic, we know that health is produced […]

What Are The Health Benefits of Intermittent Fasting?

Fasting, it turns out, has a number of health benefits that most people seek including: Improved cardiovascular health Reduced cancer risk Gene repair Longevity. Part of what appears to be driving the disease process is the fact that we may be eating too frequently. When you’re in constant “feast mode,” your body forgoes much of […]

How to Improve Your Nutrition Through Metabolic Testing

Maximizing your nutrition is an essential part of reaching your maximum health potential.  For some people, it is enough to make some changes to the way you eat and add some essential supplements, and the body heals.  For others more in depth testing is required.

Sugar: The Biggest Immune System Killer

Essential #3 of the Max Living essentials is nutrition. The biggest killer to your immune system is sugar. This is all forms of sugar Common table sugar Breads and grains Artificial sweeteners High fructose corn syrup and fructose itself.

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Dr. Catherine is a Certified Birthfit Professional
Association - preferred by Dr. Axe local provider
ICPA Kids Health with Chiropractic supporting memeber
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