
Cancer Prevention vs. Cancer Cure – It’s In Your Hands!

90–95% of all cancer cases have their roots in the environment and lifestyle. Learn how you can reduce your environment and lifestyle risks.

Is the Ketogenic Diet Beneficial for Weight Loss and Health?

The ketogenic diet is rapidly becoming one of the hottest topics in health for good reason. It’s a quick way to drop extra weight and get lean, and has numerous positive effects on overall well-being. The recent resurgence of the diet is exciting since it’s so effective for weight-loss and healing blood sugar issues. I […]

The Connection Between Your Bad Diet Choices and Chronic Disease

Bad dietary choices contribute to a growing number of chronic and deadly diseases. A key factor in the development of disease is lack of nutrients, vitamins and minerals along with an overpopulation of undesirable gut bacteria. When the ability to properly digest and breakdown food is affected, it leads to a variety of issues: gas […]

Gain Energy and Lose Weight With the Ketogenic Diet

  Are you looking for a way to lose weight effectively? To have abundant energy throughout the day? To put on lean muscle mass? To be the best you everyday? When it comes to nutrition, there’s a ton of fad weight loss diets out there. Weight Watchers Jenny Craig and many more. Some people do […]

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