If your life is anything like mine, it is easy to justify putting off important things that are not urgent. When pressing issues come up that are urgent it seems that there is not enough time to work out, to eat right, to make your appointments, to take personal relaxation time.
How Getting Too Busy Gets Your Health Off Track
We have all been there when it just seems like there is not enough time in the day and you are constantly being asked to do more with less!
I have experienced this at times in my own life and I know how easy it is to get off track.
- Just miss a workout here or there.
- Say, “I will make up my adjustment next week.”
- Say, “I will get back on track next month.”
…. Always with the best intention in mind.
Unfortunately, you know as well as I do that even the best intentions do not always become a reality
How Staying On Track With Your Adjustments Has a Compound Effect
Due to many life factors over the last several months with holidays, vacations, changing schedules, unplanned illness, family issues, and much more; we have seen a drop off with consistency of appointments and consistency of healthy lifestyle habits.
What do you think is the compound effect of this type of commitment? Who do you think gets the best results?
The person who never misses an adjustment, does their home care daily, makes daily habits a priority, and does their best to not miss? Or the person who misses a visit each week or each month, who does their home care most of the time, or sometimes, who does some of the healthy habits but still has many unhealthy habits as well?
The answer for many of you I am sure is obvious… it is the 1st person who gets the best result! WHY? It is the compound effect!
Your results are based on the actions you take or don’t take every single day and the more positive or negative actions you take dictate the level of results you achieve. We are here to encourage, to guide, to lead you in the direction of creating healthy habits for life-changing results!
Is There Anything More Important Than Your Health and Vitality?
Your body doesn’t care if you are not committed, if you don’t have the time, if you can’t afford it, or if you don’t believe in chiropractic. The result is that you are functioning below your optimum potential and moving further from health and closer to sickness and disease.
If the answer is YES then keep doing those things that got you there, if the answer is NO then it is time to take responsibility and start taking daily steps towards being better.
How Can You Get More Engaged in Your Health?
So, ask yourself:
- What can I do to get more engaged?
- Which areas of the 5 Essentials am I missing?
- Where do I want my life to be in 1, 5, 10, or 20 years and what am I doing to get there TODAY?
We are here to help you get the most out of your care! We care about you, we care about your health and your family, but we can’t help you if you are not here.
If you have been off track NOW is the time to get re-engaged, to make your health a priority for the whole family, and to invest in your future.
Schedule what is most important for your health:
- never miss an adjustment,
- never miss home care,
- schedule workouts,
- schedule sleep,
- plan for meals,
- make time for mental health and relaxation.
When you do these things and you make it a regular habit your life will be better in every way and you will be able to handle the busy stresses of life.
The biggest reason patients don’t meet their health goals and achieve amazing results in our office is they do not follow recommendations: they miss a visit during the week, they reschedule frequently, they miss a few days of home care, they don’t show up to the workshops and don’t follow the recommended nutrition plan. That is why we are so passionate about helping you stay on track with your care and showing up to everything because that is what it takes to get well.
How New Life Chiropractic Can Help You on Your Health Journey
The great news is that your body is a self-healing organism that wants to be healthy. If you are not experiencing absolute health it is because there is interference blocking that God-given healing power within you. We are here to remove that interference!
Our office exists to help people eliminate unnecessary suffering, prevent and reverse disease, and help families live a better life.
What can you do to get more engaged this week? There are so many opportunities and we are always here to help and serve you and your entire family.
Let’s work together to reach the unreached and get to those who need to be saved. Let’s take health to the next level and beyond and watch how amazing your life becomes. Get yourself committed and tell others about how they can change their health as well.