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You are What you Eat…Myth?


You are What You Eat: Fats vs Carbs

There is an old saying that many of you have probably heard and I know I have said in the past, “you are what you eat.”  After years of study and research on how the body works I now know that is NOT TRUE. Remember, your body is more sophisticated than a simple closed system of one gas tank and one engine.   Therefore, your body’s relationship with food is far more complex than calories in, calories out.

If you are what you eat, then olive oil would be “more fattening” than carbs because olive oil has 9 calories/serving, carbs have 6 and proteins have only 4. Yet olive oil and for example, spaghetti, do completely different things to your body.

At this point I hope everyone knows pasta can make you fat.  The reason you’re far more likely to get fat on the carbs then fat on the fat ultimately comes down to the hormonal impact the carbs have vs. the very different impact fats and proteins have on your digestion and physiology.

The Fat vs. Carbohydrate Myth 

After a very incomplete record of scientific research, the so-called experts of the latter 20th century made recommendations like,

Avoid fat and eat more carbohydrates.

And many people listened.  For a generation we were told that we should avoid fats—especially animal fats—if we wanted to be lean and healthy. But in order to replace those fat calories, we had to get our calories from somewhere else: grains, potatoes, corn, rice, and refined carbohydrates.

So we did. By 2000, the average American was consuming an average of 200 pounds of “flour and cereal products” per year, compared to 135 pounds in the early ‘70s. We listened to the Food Pyramid to, increasing our grains from 7.5 servings per day in the 1980s to 10 servings per day in 2000.

In 2013, the American Heart Association reported that Americans are eating more calories—and we’re getting them from carbohydrates.

The increases in calories consumed … are attributable primarily to greater average carbohydrate intake, in particular, of starches, refined grains, and sugars.

The question arises: if the simple “trick” was to eat less fat—particularly saturated fat—and less cholesterol, wouldn’t most of us be leaner and healthier?

Yet obesity rates have never been so high and its associated diseases have gone parabolic over the last 50-60 years. If the traditional definition of “good nutrition” is correct, how can this be?

The Truth About Healthy Fats

The great news about good nutrition is that governments, health care leaders, and educational institutions are slowly catching up, but the progress is too slow.  Recent research proving once again that good fats help your heart and improve cholesterol numbers while diets high in grains do the opposite has finally begun to set a course that would reverse policies that have led to staggering levels of nutritionally related disease.  At the next advanced workshop we are going to show you how to re-boot your hormones by curbing the carbs and upping the fat in your diet.  Sounds crazy, but it’s true.

While yes, you have to start thinking twice about Fettuccini Alfredo and stuffed crust pizza, this new way of thinking opens you up to a whole new world of great tasting and fulfilling food like you never thought possible.  This Gut Health event will help you maximize your health in a whole new way!

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