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Understanding the Value of Corrective Care

Why do people come from all over the area to get care at New Life Chiropractic? The science makes the difference.

Our state-of-the-art rehabilitation program you are receiving is designed to achieve very rapid changes; not only in your posture, but also in your overall health.   The scientist behind many of the Max Living exercises, says it best:

Optimal Health is a journey, NOT a destination.

~Dr. Burl Pettibon

Becoming Healthy and STAYING Healthy is a Choice

This program is about CHOOSING to be healthy and functioning at 100% for the rest of your life.” It all starts with the proper evaluation from the chiropractic exam, nerve scan and x-rays.  The specific spinal adjustments are individualized for every patient to correct subluxation and restore function to help the body heal itself.

This is the most important thing we do! It is essential to check for subluxation and nerve interference throughout care and continue to correct and maintain for a lifetime to be at your best!

Not Just an Adjustment!

The Wobble Chair

  • Adds strength and flexibility to the ligaments and discs of your low back.
  • Reduces stress in the low back and aids in the prevention and rehabilitation of injuries.
  • Assists in the healing of disc bulges and disc tears
  • Rehydrates/re-inflates the lumbar discs and keeps them young, strong and healthy.
  • Helps to circulate CSF (Fluid that nourishes the brain and spinal cord).
  • Massages the heart (via central tendon) and reduces chances of heart attacks.
  • Stimulates reflexes to correct posture. (Enhances postural correction while wearing head/shoulder weights)
  • Enhances oxygenation of blood and stimulates metabolism, which is necessary for prevention of disease.
  • Warms up the discs prior to the adjustment and prior to spinal molding at home to reshape the spine more easily.

Cervical Traction

  • Reduces stress in the neck and upper back as well as aids in the prevention and rehabilitation of injuries.
  • Assists in the healing of disc bulges and disc tears
  • Re-hydrates cervical discs and keeps them young, strong, and healthy.
  • Helps restore the normal cervical curve “The arc of life” and relieve tension on the spinal cord
  • Warms up the discs prior to the adjustment and prior to spinal molding at home so you can reshape your spine more easily
  • Increases the motion of the first 4 cervical vertebrae to re-stimulate endorphin production (chemicals which block pain)

Head/Shoulder/Hip Weights

  • Corrects forward head posture and overall posture.
  • Relieves tension on spinal cord helping energy to flow easier from the brain into the body restoring overall health.
  • Relieves stress/tension on the heart.
  • Promotes tissue oxygenation by increasing lung capacity.
  • Relieves pressure and stress on degenerative discs so they can rehydrate/regenerate.

When worn immediately after adjustment or at home after cervical traction/wobble chair, the weighting system will help you HOLD AND STABILIZE your correction longer, accelerate your results, and create more permanent correction.

Spinal Hygiene Home Care

There was a time when nearly everyone over forty had false teeth—or needed them. Fortunately, Timmy the Tooth and hundreds of other consumer awareness campaigns led by the American Dental Association showed us that we need something called “dental hygiene.” While dental hygiene is important, it isn’t as vital to your health as spinal hygiene.

Poor posture, bad sleeping habits, sitting too much, and all forms of stress act as sugar does to your teeth. Just as with dental hygiene, you need to address these deleterious factors on a regular basis if you do not want decay and to lose the use of your spine before you hit fifty. Some forms of spinal hygiene include:

  • Exercises to strengthen the paravertebral (back) musculature, abdomen, and quadriceps (front of legs), which all become weak or atrophied due to sitting too often.
  • Proper stretching of anterior musculature—pectorals (chest) and anterior deltoids (front of shoulders) as well as the calves and hamstrings, all of which poor posture tightens.


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