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Video FAQ: What toxins should I remove from my home to improve my families health?

Today I want to talk to you about the toxins that are affecting your family and especially your kids.

When it comes to childrens products, especially baby products, they’re very toxic. They’re full of formaldehyde, fire retardant and artificial coloring in addition to many other toxins. Especially when it comes to personal care products like soaps and shampoos.

What I want to help you do is avoid some of that stuff.

What Toxic Products Should You Avoid Bringing Into Your Home?

Toxic Furniture, Bedding & Clothing

Make sure that any furniture, bedding and clothing you’re getting is organic as much as possible. This includes things like cribs, beds, mattresses and sheets. Also try to get these items without fire retardants or other chemicals.

Toxic Personal Care Products

Number two, make sure that the personal products you are using on your children are organic and natural. These include:

  • Shampoos
  • Lotions
  • Diapers

The chemicals in non-organic products can get into the body and overwhelm the detox systems. This can lead to allergies, digestive problems, Attention Deficit Disorders, neurological issues, autoimmune problems, and a weakening immune system.

Toxic Food and Drink

Next you need to pay attention to what your family is eating and drinking. Make everything you consume as organic and natural as possible. Formula can be very toxic. Even though it says it’s good a lot of times there’s a lot of additives and unnatural chemicals that go into it. Breastfeeding is amazing for babies and toddlers.

The best thing to get is more natural whole foods. Get away from the processed foods as much as possible.

Make sure you are drinking filtered water. There are a lot of toxins in most tap water.

Toxic Cleaning Products

If you wouldn’t want your child drinking whatever you’re cleaning with, because of how toxic it is, you should not be cleaning with it! Get natural cleaners. In fact, one of my favorite cleaners is just using some white vinegar and water. It works amazing. There’s a lot of other organic natural cleaners on the market as well.

Have Questions on Chiropractic Treatment for Kids?

If you want to learn more about this and how to keep the family healthy, come to our next event on Building Healthy Families, August 15th.

During the community education events, Dr. Tim sifts through all of the knowledge out there to bring you key information about how to get healthy and stay that way and shares answers to frequently asked questions on chiropractic care.