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Will You Do Whatever It Takes to Feel Better?

From the first time you or any patient walked into this office and throughout your care, one of the most important questions is what is your commitment to better health? My goal for you will always be a 10 out of 10 for lifetime family wellness. I know you may be thinking, “Ok Dr. Tim whatever.” And you would be right, WHATEVER!

Do You Want To Feel Better?

I will do whatever it takes, use whatever resources I have, spend whatever time is necessary to ensure that each and everyone of you, your families and friends have the opportunity to live your lives to the fullest. So when someone has low expectations for their health or low value for it, I don’t judge them. That is not my place. What is my place is to be that one person in your life that does not let you settle for mediocrity.

If you are saying, “well I am a 10″, then think about who in your life that you love and care about is not a 10 and do WHATEVER it takes to help that person get to a 10.

All good is hard. All evil is easy. Dying, losing, cheating, and mediocrity are easy. My job is to help you stay away from easy. It would be easy to let people do what people do. Let them make their own choices, and they will just have to suffer the consequences.

The problem is that there is an infinite difference between choices and how the choices will affect the rest of your life. There is an infinite difference between a little wrong and just right, between fairly good and the best, between mediocrity and excellence.

The Importance of High Personal Health Standards

If I let you take a mediocre approach to your health, then that becomes my personal standard of what is acceptable. If I reduce my expectations of myself and you, then this mission my team (this includes you), and I are on to relieve suffering, prolong lives and add millions of years to lives of millions of suffering people will never happen. I can’t look my family in the eye and say I did not do everything I could. I can’t look you in the eye and say sorry you are now sick; I did not want to offend you or bother you.

My team and I will always have higher expectations for your health then you have. Isn’t that the way you would want it? When we allow you to lower your expectations to your current level of experience… well that is where depression and chronic disease occur.

New Life Chiropractic’s Commitment To Your Health

Our job is to fill in the gap and raise your current experience to a level higher than you could ever expect. That is why we make sure you make your appointments. That is why we do re-exams. That is why we expect you to attend every advanced class possible. That is why we have handouts, webinars, surge training classes, nutritional resources, specific three stage spinal correction protocols, home exercises, makeovers, recorded health videos online, recipe nights, patient appreciation days, the most advanced digital x-rays, an abundance of highly trained team members to meet your needs and lead you to the next level, NASA designed computerized nerve scans, 30-day challenges, nutrition reviews, toxicity reviews and financial plans that allow your whole family to be under care.

There are so many more things, but you get the point. In my opinion, one of the greatest sins is mediocrity. I realize perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection, we can catch excellence.

In closing, we all care about you and your health journey and we need your help! To help you get the best results it is vital that you show up to every appointment, maintain your recommended visit frequency, do all of your daily home care and show up to events. Let us know how we can help you get back on track and make sure you never fall behind in the future. I know that if you do these things you will reach the health goals you want and you will be living a better life.

I want you to know I am just as committed to you as I am to those people who do not know the truth about health, healing and where it comes from. For this reason, I will frequently ask you a simple question “who do you know that needs to get their nervous system checked and their life transformed?” I’d rather regret the things I’ve done than regret the things I haven’t done and I will do what ever it takes to bring you to a 10 and the world to a 10!

Join Us For The Last Community Dinner of the Year

Community Health Dinner 10/7/19

Join us and share the real solution to better health with friends and family at this amazing event. We will cover how to build up real health and how to correct the devastating effects of subluxation!

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