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How Does Stress Lead to Immune Issues and Disease?

Stress affects us year-round but tends to be even higher during the holidays.

  • Financial stress
  • Relationship stress
  • Work stress.

It’s no coincidence that this is also cold and flu season. Studies suggest that when you are under chronic constant stress we get sick more because stress decreases your immune system.

Stress and Sickness Are Directly Related

60-90% of the problems people end up in the hospital with are stress-related. In fact, over 90% of the chronic diseases that are so prevalent here in America more than anywhere else are because of stress. We are the most stressed country in the world.

Here are some tips of what you can do to start decreasing that stress.

  • One of the main things to do is start off your day in gratitude. Write down these ten things that you are grateful for and do that during the day when you’re under the most stress.
  • Add in time for things like meditation or Yoga
  • Think about the things that you really like to do and make sure you’re scheduling at least 10 minutes of “you” time every day. That means doing what you want to do, not worrying about stress, not on your phone, not answering emails, not being at the will of other people.
  • Be around people that you like.
  • Laugh  and have fun. Laughter and comedy actually decrease the effects of stress by up to 50%. That is huge.

Apply some of these tips and you’re going to notice that your stress is going down.


Have you had the opportunity to join us at one of our community education events yet? If not, we hope you enjoyed this answer to your question. At our community education events, Dr. Tim Smith from New Life Chiropractic in Rocklin explains the benefits of living a Max Living lifestyle. This includes taking care of your:

  • mind
  • nervous system
  • nutritional needs
  • exercise (in less than 20 minutes per day!)
  • and removing toxins

During the community education events, Dr. Tim focuses on a pressing health concern and then sifts through all of the knowledge out there to bring you key information about how to get healthy and stay that way.

Still have questions? Check our other FAQ videos here. Or contact us for a new patient consultation.