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How to Set Yourself Up For Success in 2023 by Rewarding Effort

Health, much like life, is not a Destination it is a Journey.

It is the process and the journey that matters most, not just the destination.

It is the learning and growing along the way that creates a successful person.

We are now in a New Year with a new opportunity to decide how you want to live your life. You can create your new health story and take active steps each day to reaching your true health potential. Let’s reward effort, improvement, commitment and process along the way because the destination may be the goal, but it’s the journey that promotes and inspires growth in an individual.

When Setting Yourself Up for Success Are Goals Important?

With that being said, goals are still important and create a road map of where you want to go and what you want to accomplish in your life. What goals have you set? Are they lofty? Or simple?

Believe it or not, there is a way to set a goal incorrectly. Here’s an example, in traditional New Year’s fashion, someone in the family will have the resolution, or goal, to lose weight. Most will throw out something unspecific, saying, “I’m going to lose weight this year!”

While stating a goal is an important step in the process, it’s just that, a single step. And a simple declaration of “wanting to lose weight” is actually not a goal…it’s just a statement.

Before setting a goal, it’s important to understand what actually makes a goal, a goal, and not just a passing desire. In order to be classified as a “goal”, the idea must meet certain criteria.

  1. It must be Specific
  2. It must be Measurable
  3. It must be Attainable
  4. It must be Realistic
  5. It must be given a Time Frame for completion

These five factors make an actual goal: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time Frame; or S.M.A.R.T. for short. In order for a goal to be achieved, it must be structured properly. These steps will help you stay on track and hold yourself accountable for completing your goal.

5 Steps to Achieving Every Goal

Step 1: Identify a specific goal. What EXACTLY are you hoping to achieve? Here’s an example.

“I will lose 10lbs in the next 3 months.” Note: When setting goals, make sure you use words like “I will”, not “I want”. Saying “I will lose weight” is different than saying “I want to lose weight.” “WANT” is a wish, while “WILL” is a decision!

Step 2: Now that you’ve identified your goal, it’s time to make it real. Write down your goal. This may seem like an insignificant step, but writing down your goal turns an idea into a real and tangible thing.

Step 3: Identify what it will take to achieve your goal. In this case, Achieving “weight loss” will take nutrition changes, exercise, sleep, strong mental attitude, supplementation, etc.

Step 4: Make an Action Plan for HOW you will achieve your goal(s). While it’s great to understand the basics of your goal, it is equally, if not more important, to identify the specific short term, midterm and long term tasks you must complete in order to achieve your MAIN GOAL. Your action plan should include the necessary steps needed to achieve your Short / Mid / Long Term goals.

Step 5: Stick to your action plan. This seems the most obvious, yet it’s diverting from an action plan that causes most goals to fall short of desired outcomes. Make sure you are serious about your goal and plan. Then follow your action plan!

Achieving Event the Loftiest Goals

By following these steps, you maximize your possibility for success. When properly planned, even the loftiest goals become achievable!

Note: down ALL of your goals and chart them on a calendar or planner. By writing them down, you hold yourself accountable by reminding yourself what you’re working towards and ensuring you are taking the proper actions to attain your goal.

Learn how to succeed in your health at the goal setting workshop Tuesday, January 31, 2023.