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Is Scoliosis Really a Problem? Can Chiropractic Care Fix It?

Today I want to walk through an example of how we use corrective chiropractic care for patients with scoliosis. I see a lot of people who come into my office who have seen other chiropractors before and didn’t necessarily get the results they were looking for.

We get a higher level of results because we do a very specific type of corrective care, and I want to show you exactly how that works.

Watch this video to learn how avoid scoliosis can be treated with chiropractic care.

Watch the video now!

Prefer to read? Here’s the gist of what else Dr. Tim spoke about in this video clip.

How Corrective Chiropractic Care Can Help Patients With Scoliosis

This is an example of what we would see with scoliosis. Your spine normally should be completely straight. Your hips, your shoulders should be balanced.

As you can see here in this x-ray, the pelvis is tilted and the spine is curved.

Many times people will tell you scoliosis isn’t that big of a deal. In fact, a lot of times patients come in knowing they have scoliosis, but don’t think it’s a big problem.

The truth about scoliosis is that it can take up to 14 years off your life! Scoliosis damages every major lower abdominal organ and your endocrine system. You will be more likely to have injuries and disability in the future.

So scoliosis is a big deal and the earlier you are able to get it checked, the better correction you can get and the less issues you’re going to have in your life.

Is Scoliosis Correctable?

A lot of people will tell you scoliosis is an un-correctable issue and in many cases that’s true unless you do the advanced corrective care that we recommend.

  1. We do a very thorough evaluation to find out exactly what’s causing the problem and we look at everything associated with health.
  2. We take proper x rays. If you’re going to a chiropractor and you’re not taking x rays, then you are not getting corrective care.
  3. We retake x rays periodically to evaluate progress.  If you’re not getting re x rayed, you never know that you actually fixed the problem.

A person with scoliosis typically will have:

  • low back pain
  • digestive problems
  • hip, knee, shoulder problems.

These are musculoskeletal issues. This isn’t a back problem. It’s not a muscle problem. It’s not even a digestive problem.

It’s a nerve problem because when your spine is out of alignment (subluxation), it actually interferes with how the brain communicates to the body, shuts down function in the muscles, tissues, organs, and creates dysfunction and disease.

That’s why subluxation is so serious. That’s what we specialize in correcting.

So once we know the problem, we apply a very specific method to be able to get that corrected.

4 Steps to Repairing Scoliosis Damage

Since you start out here in a state of dysfunction, the first thing we need to do is to get the body moving. That’s why we do warm-up exercises including wobble ball, traction, mobility, and soft tissue therapies.

Number two is we have to create movement again. These areas are out of alignment, creating significant nerve stress. So with the chiropractic adjustment we’re able to specifically restore motion and alignment to remove that in nerve interference. It’s like opening up a floodgate of life to the body to allow that nerve supply to get to the body so your body can repair, regenerate, and heal itself.

Number three is we need to set that adjustment in through what’s called neuromuscular reeducation, retraining the brain and nervous system.

Number four: strengthening and stabilizing at home with very specific exercises.

See The Life Changing Difference Corrective Chiropractic Care Made For This Scoliosis Patient

And when you do all that and you follow through, what you can do is see changes just like this. We’re actually able to balance the pelvis, straighten the spine, and restore health.

What does that mean? Remove the interference,  and the body heals itself! The amazing Dr. You knows exactly what to do to heal and get better.

What is the difference here?a

This patient has no more pain, no more medications, no more digestive problems, and he’s healthier than he’s been in 10 years because of the corrective care difference.

So if you’re struggling with pain, health problems, or you just want to see how your body’s doing, make sure you visit us for an appointment.

Make sure you’re sharing this information with other people because we’re here to create natural, healthy solutions so that you can heal from the inside out here with New Life Chiropractic.

Have you had the opportunity to join us at one of our community education events yet? During the community education events, Dr. Tim sifts through all of the knowledge out there to bring you key information about how to get healthy and stay that way and shares answers to frequently asked questions on chiropractic care and healthy eating. Enjoy the clips of previous events here.