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How Poor Posture Affects Your Brain and Health

I often get questions about posture and how it affects the body.  An easy way to tell what is going on with your health and function is to look at posture. The reason is because your posture is like a window into your spine and the structure of your spine is directly related to the function of your brain and nervous system.

How Poor Posture Affects Your Brain and Overall Health

According to a study published in the reputable Medical Journal of SPINE in 2005 that was done by a team of all Medical Doctors headed up by Dr. Steven Glassman. They measured posture in 752 subjects from the sagittal plane using full-spine x-rays. Their findings were ASTONISHING!!

ALL MEASURES OF HEALTH STATUS showed significantly POORER SCORES AS POSTURE GOT WORSE. Even minor forward head posture was shown to be detrimental. From breathing and heart rate, to pain and disability, all health markers that were measured worsened as the posture deviations increased. This again clearly demonstrates the relationship between a bad spine (vertebral subluxation) and its implications on human health, particularly as it relates to non-musculoskeletal physiology.

How Can You Restore Your Posture?

The good news is that your chiropractic adjustments help to restore posture by improving motion and spinal integrity which improve input into the spinal cord and brain, thus, allowing the body to comprehend and balance itself better in relation to gravity. These improvements in posture also increase the communication from your joints to your brain and improve the flow of cerebral spinal fluid, which helps cleanse and nourish the brain.

The Relationship Between Spinal Adjustment and Brain Physiology

Another recent study clearly shows that a cervical spinal adjustment (ON PATIENTS WITH NO PAIN) influences the cortical brain and can create neuroplastic changes in the brain tissue. There are counselors and emotional modification programs that cannot create neuroplastic changes in the brain over months and months of therapy like one single chiropractic adjustment can.

I believe the best part of this study is that the subjects receiving adjustments DID NOT have neck pain but had confirmed vertebral subluxation. (In other words….subluxation is not about pain!) How many of the people in your circle of influence need to know that subluxation creates abnormal brain physiology without causing any known symptoms?

Chiropractic is not about the spine, it is about the brain and nervous system!!

The adjustment they received had a direct influence on sensory input and resulted in attenuated brain cortical evoked responses. This means it changed their brain for the better! It was noted that “enhanced active inhibition” of the sympathetic nervous system tone occurred in ALL post-adjustment measurements!

The bottom line here is that the vertebral subluxation leads to a bombardment to the Central Nervous System with afferent signals from joints and surrounding muscles. A chiropractic adjustment reduces excessive signals and improves altered input into the Central Nervous System, resulting in better adaptation to any internal or external input the brain perceives.

What does this all mean?

Improving your posture through spinal rehabilitative corrective care significantly improves brain function and body health!!


90% of the Health and Nutrition of Your Brain comes from the Movement of your spine!