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How to Overcome Stress Naturally

We’ve just finished the holiday season which is the most stressful time of the year. And now, you’re starting to feel the effects of that.

  • You’re tired
  • Maybe you gained some weight during the holidays?
  • Or did you fall off track with your health fitness or nutrition plan?

The First Steps Towards Overcoming Stress Naturally

Have you noticed that you’re more tired on a regular basis? Are you just not the person you want to be? We have a great solution for you.

Number one is get back on those good routines, right? Let’s hit those New Year’s resolutions. Focus on incorporating the five key Max Living health essentials. They will change your life and help you to not just hit your health goals but exceed them far and beyond you can ever imagine.

How can you reduce stress today? Exercise! I want you to make sure you’re exercising at least 50 minutes a day, four to six days a week.

Exercise itself reduces the stress on your body over 50 percent. And, this isn’t just going for a walk. This is actually high-intensity exercise.

One of the things that we do is called Max T3. It’s what we do with our olympic and professional athletes. It’s what we’re doing with all our patients in the office. We have small kids doing it, we have people doing it in their 80s and 90s.

It’s very effective.

It’s going to work great for you.

The best part about Max T3 is it only takes 12 minutes a day and the results are phenomenal. So, really, we take your exercise you’re doing now to the next level by high intensity, short duration type exercises. Want to learn more? Visit our store today.


Have you had the opportunity to join us at one of our community education events yet? If not, we hope you enjoyed this answer to your question. At our community education events, Dr. Tim Smith from New Life Chiropractic in Rocklin explains the benefits of living a Max Living lifestyle. This includes taking care of your:

  • mind
  • nervous system
  • nutritional needs
  • exercise (in less than 20 minutes per day!)
  • and removing toxins

During the community education events, Dr. Tim focuses on a pressing health concern and then sifts through all of the knowledge out there to bring you key information about how to get healthy and stay that way.

Still have questions? Check our other FAQ videos here. Or contact us for a new patient consultation.