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The Secret to Reducing Inflammation Lies in Omega 3 Ratios

Omega 3’s – What are they?

Omega 3s are found in fish oils and few select other foods. Other than supplementation, the only way to get enough is to eat wild fish two to three days a week along with a lot of things like Chia seeds, flax seeds, seaweeds and astaxanthin.

This type of diet is very uncommon. So, what that means is most people are probably deficient in omega 3s.

Omega 6 and the Inflammation Problem

Omega 3s reduce inflammation with prostaglandin E3. It’s your body’s regulatory force, naturally decreasing inflammation.

But, the thing is, we have to have this ratio of the omega 3s to the omega 6s. When this ratio becomes imbalanced with more Omega 6, it leads to inflammation because of the prostaglandin A2 pathway.

Everything that comes into your body is producing inflammation. It’s like fire. Omega 3 is like water putting out the fire or compressing it, decreasing that inflammation.

The average Omega ratio of North Americans is 50:1. This needs to be 4:1 to 2:1.  When your ratio is above 4:1  you have an inflammation problem. This high ratio causes damage to the arteries, swelling, pain, and high blood pressure.

Most people just take a medication for the problems created by high Omega ratios because no one has ever exposed the root of the problem to them.  This is not a problem that can be easily fixed with diet or exercise.


Have you had the opportunity to join us at one of our community education events yet? If not, we hope you enjoyed this short clip from our recent Heart health event. At the full event, tackled the biggest killer in the United States today… HEART DISEASE! Dr. Tim sifted through all of the knowledge out there to bring you key information about how to keep the strongest muscle in your body working for you. Enjoy all 12 clips from the series and learn how to Change the Stats for Good.