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Must Know For All Women Who Don't Want Cancer

1 out of every 8 woman are diagnosed with Breast Cancer. We know you don’t want cancer, nobody does so it’s important to know if you have risk factors and learn how to prevent it.

What Are Some Top Risk Factors For Breast Cancer?

Do you experience any of the following?

  • Hot flashes
  • Anxiety
  • PMS
  • Bladder infections
  • Bloating
  • Insomnia
  • Breast tenderness
  • Heavy bleeding
  • Migraine headaches
  • Acne
  • Thinning hair

If you said “Yes” to  2 or more then you may be heading towards a hormonal cancer & it is crucial you begin balancing your hormones as soon as possible.

Additional Risk Factors For Breast Cancer

  1. You struggle with anxiety, depression, food cravings, poor sleep quality or inability to get your mind to “shut off”.
  2. It has become increasingly difficult to manage your weight or lose weight, especially around your midsection.
  3. You suffer from night sweats, hot flashes, mood swings, irregular cycles or reproductive fibroids or cysts.
  4. You struggle with brain fog, memory, low energy (especially in the afternoon) or feeling run down or overwhelmed.
  5. You tend to put yourself last when it comes to your emotional, physical and mental well-being.

Learn the 5 Essentials of Health That Help Your Body Heal Itself

There are 5 Essentials of health necessary to live a Max Living lifestyle and help your amazing body heal and regulate itself.  To be truly healthy, to prevent cancer and other health issues you must maximize your mind, maximize your nerve supply, maximize your nutrition, maximize your fitness and minimize the toxins in your body and environment.

These are essentials and there are specific ways to apply these essentials, which you will learn at the “Prevention is Power” Health Experience. Each and every one of you deserves a life free of disease and suffering, a quality of life that helps you fulfill your purpose.  I know without a doubt that being at this event will get you one step closer to living that life and many steps further away from a deadly diagnosis!

On October 29th at our event, Prevention is Power, we will be discussing how to balance your hormones which can prevent or help your body reverse cancer. Get signed up TODAY!

Get your tickets online

Tuesday, October 29th  630-8pm

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