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How To Maximize Your Nerve Supply Through Spinal Correction

We have been talking about the road to health and the 5 Essentials of Max Living.  For the next 5 weeks, I will help you understand how to better apply each Essential in your life for a better health outcome! This week is Core Chiropractic. 

Core Chiropractic

You maximize your nerve supply by restoring and maintaining proper function of the nervous system through spinal correction.

In order to maximize your nerve supply, you will require spinal correction. Your health depends most on the stability and performance of your central nervous system.

Thinking of this significant and intricate system intertwined within your body as a power supply of life, you can visibly see the significance of keeping your spinal cord and nerves in optimal shape. The second essential to Max Living is concerned with maximizing nerve supply to maximize the power supply of life within your body!

How Maximizing Your Nerve Supply Affects Overall Health

The brain is effectively the first organ to develop while in the mother’s womb. Our brain is the main command center for the rest of our body and uses our spinal cord and nerves from the beginning to create every cell and organ.

From development onto death, this command center is in charge of the flow of “power” along the spine and through the nervous system, controlling all function and healing within the body. Therefore, attaining overall health and wellness is directly associated to maximizing your nerve supply.

The Power Of Your Nervous System

The intricacy of the nervous system is so powerful and subtle that it is able to control millions of cells inside dozens of operating systems all at once. Right now you are currently breathing, your heart is beating and your eyes are blinking, all while sustaining feeling and keeping pace within your limbs.

All of these individual operations are done without effort and sometimes unknowingly due to your nervous systems ability to manage and regulate your body’s function. While your body may be able to go days without water, weeks without food, and even minutes without oxygen, it cannot keep going one second without the power created by your nervous system!

How Your Nervous System is Protected

The nervous system is so essential to your body that it is covered within a well-built, bony structure to keep damaging elements away from the sensitive nerves. This bony structure consists of the skull, which guards the upper brain, and the spinal column, which shelters the spinal cord and nerve roots. When this spinal column is not well taken care of, it may shift or rotate out of place, interfering with your body’s ability to create maximum nerve supply.

The condition of your spine then influences both your physical and mental health–making it essential to optimal performance. Developments in modern medicine have allowed chiropractors the capability to make defined measurements of the spine, giving them the resources to make a precise measurement of both the damage done to your spine and nervous system, as well as the accurate recommendations for care.

The Benefits of Spinal Correction

The benefits of full spinal correction are not just pain relief, but also greater neurological health, maximized organ function, prevention of spinal degeneration, an optimum range of motion, high performance, and a far greater resistance to injury.

Join Us For Community Dinner

Find out more about all 5 Essentials of healthy living at the next community dinner.  This is the best opportunity to share the principle of real health with those you care about!

What are you doing to Maximize your Nerve Supply today?

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Invite them to Community Dinner 2/6/17


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