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How We're Keeping Our Families Healthy- Are We Weird?

As we see more and more of our practice members, and our community, making similar maximized health choices for their families, I thought it would be interesting for those of you who are skeptical to peer into our world and hear about some of our personal choices for keeping our families healthy.

The Choices We Make to Keep Our Family Healthy

Home Birth

We give birth to our kids at home, when that is a safe option. This choice is made mainly to avoid a stress-ridden hospital atmosphere, which treats pregnancy as a diagnosable condition, rather than a natural process.

Avoiding Ultrasounds

We avoid ultrasounds during pregnancy so that the child is not exposed to dangerous noise that would compare to a freight train running through your living room.

  • Enough studies have been done showing that ultrasounds interfere with the migration of neurons to the hemispheres of the brain – which is a concern to us as Doctors who focus on the optimal function of the nervous system.
  • There are also studies showing frequent ultrasounds can mess with the development of a child’s tiny inner ear bones.


We do not vaccinate our kids because it makes no sense to us to dump than much chemical toxicity into a person and somehow expect health.  In fact, we blame much of the autism spectrum disorders (1 in 38 kids today) on the exponential increase in vaccines in recent years (we use double the vaccines of any other country).

The Government is on record saying we are quacks for drawing such conclusions.  We then have to file papers with the state for not vaccinating our kids to explain why we think the idea of growing viruses on things like chicken embryos and aborted human fetal tissue is wrong (yes that is how certain common vaccines are manufactured).

We have the joy of listening to many folks in the schools, and medical system berate us as unscientific. Others have accused us of somehow making other children sick. This one is really odd to me because, if vaccines work so well, why would you care if your vaccinated “protected” child is around my unvaccinated child?

Breast Feeding

We breast feed our children for at least a year if possible because that is perfect food for a baby. Breast milk is the best immune system building, brain developing substance, and antibiotic ever made. So yes, my wife still is the one nursing under a cover at the playground by our home.

I told you, we are weird in today’s world!

No Flu Shots, No Fever Reducers and No Antibiotics

We do not get flu shots. We allow our children to have a fever and do not attempt to beat back colds with antibiotics. Yes, it hurts to see one of my children in so much pain and discomfort from a fever.  But, we would rather allow our children’s immune systems to develop naturally so in the long run they have far fewer colds and health problems as they age.

A major benefit of this is colds that take so many of their classmates to get over in weeks, my kids usually shake in a day. My children have their nervous systems checked weekly, and had their first check-ups minutes after birth.  Yes, our kids get adjusted. No, its nothing like how we adjust an adult.

Avoid Sugar and Junk Food

We avoid sugar and junk food as best as we can – which is becoming more and more difficult to do today.  My kids don’t eat at McDonalds.

No Pediatric Well Checks

We don’t go to our pediatricians or doctors for “well check” appointments because it has nothing to doing with health and certainty does nothing to help anyone get well. As best as I can tell they vaccinate and give out drugs. From my explanation above you understand why we do not go.

We would use urgent care or the emergency room if our kids get really sick or injured.  Fortunately, our kids have never been to either place. If we need medication, the folks at urgent care will serve that need. I’ll be open.

You May Think We’re Quacks, But I’m Not Willing To Keep My Mouth Shut

I was a little concerned to send this out.  I have already lost a few friends and patients over these different ideas. But you know what, at some point you just get fed up with how things are in the world.

I am so disgusted with how many struggling, sick children I see today, that I am simply no longer willing to stay quiet. The hospitals in town are growing and expanding – not because people are healthier, but because our community is so much more sick.

I see the immense difference in the kids who get adjusted at our offices, and I know we have a solution that the world needs.  If you think that we are quacks for that, then I am O.K. with that. So, if you are not in agreement with this health philosophy, this may not be the best place for you.

But, if you like what you read here, we need you in our tribe.  The vision for Max Living is global.  By that I mean we are working with everything that we have to bring this philosophy of Max Living around the planet in the years to come.  We obviously need a lot of help to make that dream into reality.

I encourage you to share these notes with your friends around the world if something you read here has the potential to help someone, or even just challenge what they think. Remember life, love, health & healing come from inside of you!

Want to Share? Bring a Guest to Our Next Community Dinner

Share this natural health mission with friends and family at the next community dinner!


Monday October 1st, 6:30-8pm

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