I bet you hate getting sick? How much more miserable are you when you’re sick over the holidays?
Instead of getting sick, or dealing with a sick loved one, follow these tips on how to stay healthy during this holiday season.
1. Get adjusted regularly
Weekly chiropractic adjustments are best in our opinion. Research shows that the correct adjustment will boost your immune function 200-400% immediately! If you still have kids or family members who have not been checked for subluxation we can schedule an appointment for them this week to make sure everything is functioning correctly.
2. Get plenty of Vitamin D
The sun is the best way to load up on Vitamin D. If you are not in the sun 30 minutes each day supplement vitamin D3. Most folks with
Most folks with immune-related illness, including most cancers, have lower than normal levels of vitamin D. Daily supplementation with Max Living Vitamin D will help keep your immune system strong through the holidays and beyond.
3. Avoid sugar 5 days a week
Sugar suppresses your immune system.
Chances are the last time you were sick you had recently eaten ice cream or had a big sugar boost to your system from sodas, candy, etc. This is really amazing with kids – watch how much faster your kids will get over being sick if you don’t allow them sugar as soon as they start feeling bad.
Just a tablespoon of sugar will decrease your immune system up to 4hrs. Check out healthy recipes to avoid sugars and eat well during this holiday season.
4. Minimize chemical toxicity
Think of all of the chemicals around most of us each day like:
- soap
- shampoo
- conditioner
- lotion
- perfume
- makeup
- toothpaste
- household cleaning products
- laundry cleaning products
- pollution
- flame retardants on car seats, clothes and mattresses
- cigarette smoke
- pharmaceutical drugs
Then consider chemicals in our water, chemicals in our food (this one is its own entire blog post), chemicals in our air…the list goes on and on. Use more natural products and limit as many of these everyday chemicals as possible.
Limiting toxins creates less stress on your body, which means better immune function. Daily Detox is the best resource to release all of the toxins from your cells and tissues then eliminate and remove those toxins from your body.
5. Sleep
The latest research shows we typically need 7 hours of sleep a night. A ton of great stuff happens when you sleep that helps your immune system. When you lose sleep cortisol levels rise, which will decrease your immune system. Not getting 7 hours? A 20min nap will make up for an hour of lost sleep.
Not getting 7 hours? A 20min nap will make up for an hour of lost sleep.
6. Stress reduction
In today’s world, it is tough to escape from stress. Perhaps the greatest benefit of Chiropractic care is our ability to help your body better adapt to the stress that it is under and our ability to objectively measure the improvement with corrective chiropractic care.
Another great way to reduce effects of stress is Max Fit, which naturally decreases the stress hormone Cortisol.
7. Exercise
When you exercise you burn up stress hormones, and your immune system improves. It is that simple, and research is teaching us that you need to move at least 12 minutes, 7 days a week. So schedule your MaxT3 workouts minimum 3 days per week and ideally 6-7 for maximum benefit.
The next time you are sick please think about this list. Most of the time you will find your answer for being sick in this list. Sickness is rarely from an invisible bug you came across.
Community Health Experience: Sick of Being Sick
Learn how to Rebuild the Digestive Health Naturally from the Inside Out
TUESDAY 12/06 6:30PM @ New Life Chiropractic