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How to avoid diabetes and other preventable diseases

Do you know somebody that is sick? More than likely you do. The sad fact is that many of these people are struggling daily with diseases that can be prevented or cured with lifestyle changes.

Here’s some scary facts to consider about diabetes and other preventable diseases:

  • 29 million people in America have diabetes right now. That’s 1 in 3. Many of them don’t even know it yet because the symptoms haven’t gotten bad enough yet.
  • Just this year, 1.6+ million new cases of cancer will be diagnosed.
  • 720,000 people have a heart attack each year.
  • Antidepressant use has increased 400% in the past 20 years.

We’re changing those numbers through education.  Have you had the opportunity to join us at one of our community education events yet? If not, enjoy this short clip from our recent Bittersweet Health event. At the full event we talked about how to avoid diabetes and other preventable diseases through lifestyle changes.