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How To Develop and Maintain A Healthy Brain in the Modern World

In the age of the brain, scientists are becoming increasingly concerned that we may be raising kids that can’t use theirs.  Of the many potential casualties related to today’s high technology, convenient food, and fast-paced world, the inability of tomorrow’s children to think may be at the top of the list.

Research has revealed to us that thought and behavior in children and the relative size and weight of their brain are not something they’re simply born with, but something that’s created or developed after birth.  There’s an intriguing term called neuroplasticity which essentially means that our brain’s neurological tissues are like formable plastic being molded, grown, and developed from birth through old age.

This makes an allotment for two different scenarios for brain health; you can develop a small, light, inefficient brain or the opposite, a huge, heavy, super smart one.  The power of neuroplasticity even goes for the elderly concerned with or suffering from Alzheimer’s.  There’s always something that can be done to change or improve brain function -for better or worse.

Do Genetics Determine The Health of Your Brain?

In the war between Nature and Nurture, the Nurture side has been winning more and more battles.  At the very least, we now know, it’s Nature and Nurture.

We’re presently aware of the fact that genetics don’t necessarily determine outcomes.  That the physical, mental, and emotional environment we’re exposed to, how we treat our body, and what we feed it have as much or more to say about how smart, happy, and healthy we are as our DNA (gene material from our grandparents).

Change what a child does with their brain and you change the brain physically, as well as changing the child’s future.  Our current culture has been leading more and more in the direction of kid’s technologies.  They have baby videos and talking everything claiming to create baby Einstein’s of our children.  Science is revealing, however, that the results of these things are not very promising and most likely, very damaging.

Building a larger, more functional brain in kids isn’t just about a larger IQ either.  It’s also about developing fully functioning emotionally intelligent kids.  This includes things like:

  • self-control
  • motivation
  • self-awareness
  • reflection
  • spiritual qualities
  • how information is synthesized
  • problem-solving
  • independent thinking.

Businesses look for self-starters and not just those who need a checklist.  High IQ scores don’t translate well into the real world.

Keys to Building a Big, Healthy Super-Smart Brain

The keys to building a big, heavy, super-smart brain include:

  • A diet low in refined carbohydrates with adequate nutrients.
  • Exercising extreme caution in the use of medication.
  • Adult companionship.
  • Stimulating active play utilizing toys, books, and games.
  • Limiting toxic foods and drinks.

The Role Parents Must Play In Healthy Brain Development

As a parent, you need to talk, listen, pay attention, and show your children how to work through problems. Offer them opportunities for experience and adventure through music, dance, walks in nature, caring for pets, and reading stories.

Brain Development Is Closely Tied To Motor Systems and Spinal Health

Sometimes recess, playing kickball, climbing on the jungle gym, or a trip to the chiropractor does more for intellectual development than another page of math or history.  It should be noted that a well-functioning spine, music, dance, and creative play should not be cut in lieu of yet another physics calculation.

The Battle With Inattentiveness In Children

Academic insensitivity results from spinal or cranial injuries, medications, toxins, and poor models from T.V., movies, and video games. Today’s prolific use of technology devices act as non-human surrogates and take time away from the most important needs children have for learning, social interaction, real life experience, and creativity.

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Today’s children are often being forced to be attentive and grind out another academic lesson while experiencing little time for activities. In many children, this barrage of learning may kick back with inattentiveness.  This is normal and not a disorder of any kind.

As doctors, we’re concerned with:

  • Video addiction in toddlers and babies
  • The effect of stress and violent games on brain chemicals,
  • The fact that although society stresses the importance of mental function, it continues to feed its children toxic substances.
  • That nearly half of all children are so out of shape that they already have at least one risk factor for heart disease.

Eventually, a society gets the children it deserves.  Let’s work together to deserve the best. Our mission is to change the way families view and manage health to create healthy, happy and productive children with healthy parents.  Living the 5 Essentials of Max Living will help your family live the Lifetime Wellness Principles.

Want to Learn More About Brain Health?

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