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Disease Does NOT Care What Your Plans Are

The spirit of fall is upon us! The NFL season is well under way, baseball is coming to an end, the weather is changing and we are suddenly trying to squeeze the last bit of sunshine out of our day.

At New Life Chiropractic Rocklin, we know and understand that disease does not care what your plans are. Whether it’s fall or football season or you have midterms. If your body is weak, you are going to get sick anyway.

Staying focused on your health and taking steps to move FORWARD instead of BACKWARD means everything for you.

It doesn’t have to be hard though!

You can move forward this time of year and we’re here to help. This is the time of year you want to invest more into your health, not less.  With the stress of the upcoming holidays, work deadlines, schedule changes, colder weather, and less activity; your body needs health to get through it all with success.

How to move forward, leave disease in the dust and score one for your health this fall.

score points for your healthMake up your adjustments.

If you have missed an adjustment make it up to stay on track. Make sure your power is on! Get ahead and you won’t be left behind. The best way to stay healthy through the end of the year is to make every visit and maximize the function of your brain and nervous system!

Monday: Detox Day!

It’s time to boost your glutathione and get rid of some toxins. If you are not currently using the Daily Detox or True Cellular detox or if has been more than 90 days, now is the time!

Tuesday: Recovery Day!

This is the day to ensure you are doing all home care, doing restorative activities such as yoga, US Cryotherapy, True Rest Float Spa and some of the other community resources that aid in natural recovery.

Wednesday: Vitamin D day!

Also get your flu adjustment. An immune boosting adjustment is 800% more effective than the flu shot against flu. Every person should be taking at least 5000IU daily of the vitamin D to make up for less time in the sun.

Thursday: Anti-Inflammatory Day.

Cut the inflammation with the proper ratio of Omega 6’s and 3’s. Aid is reducing inflammation with natural supplements like Optimal Omega and Daily Defense to help your body reduce inflammation and promote healing.

Friday: Power Up Day!

This is the day to invest in yourself. Healthy breakfast, healthy mindset morning routine, spend some time pampering yourself and give yourself a break.

Saturday: MaxT3 Day!

Most people take the weekend off when in fact this is the best time to catch up on exercise. Starting your day with a high intensity MaxT3 workshop will get your super charged for a productive weekend.

Without health, there can be no expression of life. Without health, all else declines and stops. The 5 Essentials of Real Health Care at Max Living is the system that is the answer to getting and keeping you well through the fall and into next year.

Enjoy the experience!

Maximize your Health and invite someone you know to do the same

JOIN US for the next Community Dinner

Tuesday, October 24th at 6:45pm Rubino’s Restaurant


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