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How Does Bad Digestion Affect Cancer?

We’re getting closer and closer to our upcoming cancer prevention and healing event on October 15th. Today, I want to talk more about your digestive system and how it relates to cancer.

Your digestive system, the gut, actually controls about 80% of your immune function. If you have a digestive system that’s not working correctly because of toxic food, lack of exercise, improper nerve supply from subluxation and spinal damage, medications, past antibiotics, and an unhealthy environment, your immune system is not working.

How To Reduce Cancer Risk With a Healthy Digestive System

We all have cancer building in our body all the time. Your immune system regulates that, it kills cancer cells and eliminates them from your body, just the same way it keeps you from getting the cold or the flu or any other type of infection or disease. It’s when your immune system is weak that cancer is allowed to thrive. And if cancer thrives for long enough, it takes over your system and that’s when you start to notice the effects.

The key thing you want to do is boost up your immune system by repairing the natural gut bacteria.

  • This is getting things like probiotics.
  • This is doing types of repair with alkaline nutrition.
  • This is getting lots of water with aloe and lemon water on a regular basis.

We have very special protocols to repair digestive damage through five key essentials of healthy living.

  1. Reducing stress
  2. Improving nerve supply to the body
  3. Improving nutrition
  4. Exercising
  5. Detoxing.

When you add the five key essentials to your life (that we work with every patient in the office), your body can naturally heal, boost up your immune system, and fight off cancer.

Join Us At The Cancer Killers Event in Rocklin, CA

We’re gonna be going through this in detail at that event on October 15th. There are only a couple of weeks left to register. Tickets are running out. I want to make sure you’re getting your tickets today. Make sure you register at the link below, take advantage of the discounts while they’ll still last. This is the last week to do that for you and your family.

Saturday, October 15th, 2016

10:00 AM to 1:00 PM

Location will be announced.

Community Education Events

Have you had the opportunity to join us at one of our community education events yet? If not, we hope you enjoyed this short clip about cancer. At the full cancer killers event, Dr. Tim Smith from New Life Chiropractic in Rocklin will teach:

  • What cancer, heart disease, diabetes and headaches all have in common.
  • How to keep your cancer genes from turning on.
  • Practical protocols to get yourself healthy BEFORE disease sets in.

During the community education events, Dr. Tim sifts through all of the knowledge out there to bring you key information about how to get healthy and stay that way. Enjoy the clips of previous events here.