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The Detoxifying Power of Glutathione

The U.S. Food and Drug and Drug Administration (FDA) have now approved over 3,000 artificial food additives, preservatives, and colorings. The average person ingests 140-150 pounds of additives every year.  The environmental toxicity continues to increase generation to generation.

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has measured 219 chemicals in people’s blood and urine. 75 of these toxic chemicals have never been seen before.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reports that indoor air measurements are 100 times more polluted compared to our external environments.  The indoor toxic environment has been coined to have “sick building” syndrome.

Leaky pipes, water damaged basements, ceilings or carpets are common culprits.  Bio toxicity primarily comes from mold.  Do you have mold, mildew or water stains at home or work?

Are you getting exposed to the increased smoke and poor air quality due to fires?

We Live In A Toxic World

Significant health concerns can be traced to:

  • The toxicity of our water supply
  • Teflon cookware
  • Commercialized cleaning products
  • Daily use personal care items.

We live in a toxic world and it is generating a new era of:

  • Autoimmune disease
  • Hormone dysfunction
  • Thyroid disease
  • Childhood spectrum conditions
  • Asthma
  • Allergies.

The deadly killers such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer are now linked to bioaccumulation of toxins as well.

The toxic internal and external environments can be improved but it is often due to a reaction caused by symptoms.  If you wait until you have symptoms, you are too late.

How Glutathione Benefits Your Body in the Detoxification Process

The first step in any detoxification program is to identify your rate of exposure and eliminate the culprits to the best of your ability. Fortunately, your body has a natural, inborn detoxification system that relies primarily on glutathione for its activation and operation.

Glutathione is one of your body’s primary antioxidants.  It is utilized by virtually every cell in your body, in its cellular enzymatic state (glutathione reductase), to maintain the cell’s healthy (redox) state and prevent the proliferation of harmful free radicals.

Naturally, to aid detoxification, glutathione levels are highest in the liver and kidneys, which are the body’s primary detoxification organs. Cellular detoxification is broken into three phases, and glutathione enhances these stages of detoxification in many ways:

  1. Phase I (toxin modification) – Toxins are detected within the cell and modified through oxidation and reduction reactions into forms the body can target.
  2. Phase II (toxin conjugation) – Once a toxin is detected and modified, its activated metabolites are then bound to or “conjugated” directly to glutathione.  There are other charged species in the body which may conjugate toxins, but glutathione is the primary contributor to this process.  In fact, this process is termed “glutathione conjugation.”  The conjugation of glutathione disables the toxic metabolites from diffusing across membranes so that they are removed from the body in the next step.
  3. Phase III (excretion) – This step relies upon enzymatic derivatives of glutathione, glutathione S-transferases (GSTs), to catalyze reactions in the body to metabolize and excrete the toxins.

These are the 3 phases that take place with the 30-day Daily Detox system.

All three building blocks of glutathione play important roles in the completion of the detoxification pathway. As simple as this process may seem, your body, unfortunately, faces several challenges in maintaining effective and useful levels of glutathione, which may explain why there are so many toxicity-induced diseases prevalent in North America.

Why Your Body May Not Maintain High Enough Levels of Glutathione For Effective Detoxification

A bombardment of toxins causes your body’s stores of glutathione to be run down.  Unfortunately, glutathione is part of the specific system designed to deal with environmental toxins!  Therefore, as the body is exposed to harsh chemicals, heavy metals, and all xenobiotics (substances that are foreign to the body or to an ecological system), there is a negatively-spiraling wasting of glutathione and subsequent accumulation of toxins in body tissues.

When we speak of environmental toxins, we are no longer just dealing with smoke from a wood-burning fire, fungal and mold toxins released from rotten food, rare poisons in the leaves of certain plants, or heavy metals found in water wells.  Your body now must ward off thousands of man-made chemicals used in:

  • Food preservation (pesticides and herbicides)
  • Personal care products (petroleum bi-products)
  • Home cleaning products (benzene, chlorine, etc.)
  • and much more.

It’s very hard to obtain glutathione in the diet – or in supplementation form.  Only a few vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, and carrots contain significant levels of dietary glutathione.  However, it has been observed that the cooking of raw vegetables depletes their usable glutathione contents by nearly 100%.

Similarly, the glutathione stores available in meat, dairy, and eggs, are only significant when the foods are in their raw forms.  Oral supplementation with glutathione has not been proven to be effective, as it is largely destroyed in the body before it can be brought into the cells in a usable form.

The solution is DAILY DETOX. This will boost glutathione and superoxide dismutase to cleanse the cells of your body and bind to those toxins to safely eliminate them from your body.  That is why the 30 day Daily Detox is our resource of the month.