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How To Find Out If You Have Degenerative Disk Disease

What do they all have in common?

Headaches, Fatigue, and Low Back Pain – Signs Of Degenerative Disk Disease

Though one of those jobs may not seem to mesh with the others, such an assumption would be neither wise nor safe. The tasks of a data entry specialist—or any other desk worker, for that matter—may not require the brawn of a lumberjack or the courage of a firefighter, but they can elicit the same painful symptoms and lead to degenerative disk disease. The difference is that the injuries experienced by the average desk worker develop silently over time.

Slow Drip or Deluge?

While the lumberjack may throw out his back chopping down an oak or the firefighter may collapse from adrenal fatigue after a 24-hour shift, the data entry specialist simply shifts to one side, hunches forward, and doesn’t move for eight hours.

Sound like hyperbole? Think again.

According to an article in the Washington Post, the average office worker sits for about 10 hours each day. Of that time, they remain almost completely still for more than four out of every five hours. Those 40-plus hours of sedentary stillness doesn’t even represent the countless hours spent watching TV, playing video games, traveling, sleeping, or idly browsing through the Internet.

In America, our backsides are glued to our seats, and the effects are no joke. Our extended down time leads to a disconcerting wealth of negative health outcomes, including:

  • chronic aches and inflammation
  • accumulated fat around the organs and midsection
  • hardening of the arteries
  • insulin resistance
  • nerve damage.

Half of those factors make up the lethal condition known as metabolic syndrome, which serves as the precursor for a number of more notorious conditions, like type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.

Already, 1 in 4 American adults suffers from metabolic syndrome. And it turns out, lack of exercise away from the workplace is not the lone culprit. It is the cumulative effect of physical inactivity throughout our lives that is the most damaging. To prevent this damage and fight back against these conditions, we must choose to move and—regardless of occupation—demand safer, more functional workstations.

According to the expert statement released in the British Journal of Sports Medicine:

Americans should begin to stand, move and take breaks for at least two out of eight hours at work.

Nerve Damage and Posture

As versatile and agile as it is, the human body must still maintain its intended shape. The body’s natural framework allows each tissue, organ, and system of the body to function properly. When that framework breaks down, the body struggles to function, and pain, illness, and disease are able to develop.

Prolonged inactivity opens the door for nerve damage or neurodegeneration. Because the nervous system controls all function, health, and healing throughout the body, the ripple effects of nerve damage should not be ignored. Your nerves are the electrical wiring of your body. They must be cared for as intently as your muscles, bones, and vital organs.

The way you treat your joints and soft tissues is often quite dangerous. In 2011 alone, there were 2,986,500 reported nonfatal injuries and illnesses that occurred at the workplace. Of those, 523,140 were cases involving muscles, ligaments, tendons, and joints. A host of other workplace-related issues are costing employers millions and causing employees to suffer.

To name a few, these injuries include:

  • TMJ (the jaw joint) issues
  • Spinal disc problems in the neck and low back
  • Strain-induced headaches
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome (as well as other neurological and vascular problems)

By implementing proper ergonomic setups, your workstation can actually help you maintain a proper posture—your body’s intended shape. Your body is able to maintain optimal nerve supply, blood flow and overall function when in correct posture. And by placing a focus on maintaining subtle movement throughout the day (by sitting on a stability ball or wobble cushion, for instance), you can lessen the negative effects of a primarily sedentary workplace.

Proper Ergonomics: Is Everything OK At Your Desk?

Here are the top 5 warning signs of a damaging work position:

  1. You have a pill bottle by your desk that you dive into daily.
  2. By lunch, you are exhausted.
  3. You notice you are slouching a lot (Don’t blame the chair!).
  4. You feel like you need a massage every day.
  5. You feel achy after a day in the office.

You Could Have Degenerative Disk Disease If:

If you or anyone you know has any of the following symptoms, you should have your spine checked immediately.

  • Headaches/migraines
  • Neck pai
  • Numbness tingling in hands/arms
  • Fatigue
  • Low back pain/leg pain.

These are all signs that your posture, spine and nervous system may be in trouble. An X-ray will validate these findings and help catch problems early enough to correct them. Remember, posture is the window to the spine. It affects everything from breathing to hormone production!

Are You Moving Enough? Join Us For the Movement & Fitness Workshop

Date: 7/31/18

Time: 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.

Register at

  • Learn how to master your metabolism with proven steps to lose weight effectively
  • Crush the number one excuse for avoiding exercise: TIME
  • Experience the joy of a meaningful workout you can actually love!

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