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Coronavirus and Chiropractic Adjustments at New Life Chiropractic. It's Not Only Safe, It's Immune Boosting!

Amongst the fear and misinformation of the Coronavirus, I want to let you know that we’re doing everything we can to have the healthiest environment possible. And I want to go through some of the great things that we are doing here today to make sure you’re at your best and that you can make it for every single one of your adjustments.

Prefer to read? Here’s the gist of what we covered in the video.

How New Life Chiropractic is Ensuring Your Safety From Coronavirus

We always have the healthiest water possible. We always have green tea.

This week we gave out some vitamin C, which is an immune-boosting nutrient.

Every time you come into the office you have the opportunity to use the face paper for your cervical traction.

We’ve been wiping everything down with natural healthy disinfecting wipes, wiping down the tables, keeping everything in balance.

All the time in the office, we’re always using a very specific air filter, a very powerful air filter that picks up allergens, viruses, bacteria, any type of toxins in the air, so it’s actually pulled out of the office constantly keeping it in a healthy environment.

We run essential oils in multiple parts of the office through here, and in the bathroom, that have major immune-boosting effects.

Boost Your Immune System With a Chiropractic Adjustment

The things we do here in the office like the vibration platform, has been shown to significantly improve immune function.

And the most important thing above all else is every single adjustment stimulates the release of interleukin-2, which is your immune response, and increases that by as much as 200%. Within 30 minutes of each adjustment, your white blood cell count doubles. With regular care over time, your immune cells increase.

So here in the office it is the healthiest place you could be. And we’re taking all precautions to keep things healthy and safe. But really what we’re doing is we’re building health and immunity inside your body.

So, get extra adjustments. Do not miss. This is the best place for you to be for you and your family.

If you know people who aren’t under chiropractic care, let’s get them in here. Let’s get them healthy!

Empower health. Don’t fear sickness. We’ll see you soon.