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Why Your Chiropractor Should Be Your Primary Treating Physician

You have the greatest doctor already inside of you!

  • The best cardiologist in the world runs your heart, and you don’t think about it.
  • The best immunologist runs your immune system and fights ANY cold without any help.
  • The best gastroenterologist runs your digestive system without any Tums.
  • The best neurologist runs your brain and control center and NEVER needs help!

You see, everything else is just secondary, not primary!

My body, YOUR body, needs no help, just no interference!

The power and ability to heal and be truly healthy is in YOU; you just need to remove the interference! So my most important job, as your Chiropractor, is to remove interference! It is to allow your Nervous System to work, uninterrupted, and to supply your body with all the right materials it needs to do the best job. These include good food, exercise, no subluxation, no toxins, no stress, etc.

So with that being said, think about this. Wouldn’t you want a doctor for you and your family that gets to the CAUSE of the problem instead of just covering up the symptoms?

Is your primary treating physician healing you or covering up your problems?

As doctors, the ONLY thing we should be concerned with is getting YOU functioning and healing closer to 100%! A medication can NEVER heal you, it can only cover a symptom and add even more interference. That’s why I will never prescribe one.

Wouldn’t you want a doctor who first looks at the most important system you have? Your nervous system. Your nervous system controls everything in the body.

Chiropractors check your nervous system first to see if there are problems there, instead of looking in your eyes, checking your blood pressure, looking up your nose, and tapping your knee with a hammer.

Health comes from above (the brain), down (through the nerves), inside (the spinal cord), out (to the organs). So to identify problems I can’t start by looking at the outside first! It’s like the power going out, and I look at the light bulb first!

Don’t you want a doctor to tell you what you need to hear NOT what you want to hear? I will always just tell you the truth about health for your best interest. Facts, not opinions.

Wouldn’t you want health advice from your doctor that he would tell to and live out with his family? Lots of doctors would never give the drugs, vaccines, surgeries, or advice they give you, to their families. We practice what we preach!

Why not choose a chiropractor as your primary treating physician?

I am your drug free doctor and you SHOULD be running EVERY heath care decision by me. I’m sure your “other” primary doctor is a good guy but at the end of the day are you going to bet it all in them and the medical system?

I have NO big pharmacy company paying me to tell you what you should do regarding your health care. I don’t work for the insurance companies on their networks, I work for you. I have just facts and truth.

I care for you and your family, I truly do. We just did our Brain Health Experience this Saturday and it was an amazing event. Still, there were many people who needed to be there and were not able to make it.

I truly believe each and every person has a purpose for their life and IT IS A FACT, that if you lose your health, you CANNOT live that out and fulfill your purpose. You deserve to have abundant health and live a maximized life. I am here to help you make that happen. It is time to step it up and change lives in our community!

Maximize your health and invite someone you know to do the same


Tuesday, October 24th at 6:45pm Rubino’s Restaurant