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8 Questions You Should Ask Before Giving Childhood Vaccines

More and more parents are asking me about what to do about vaccinations.

  • Should I vaccinate my child?
  • What do I do if I don’t want to vaccinate my child?

So today I want to help give you some more information so you can make a better, more informed decision when it comes to whether or not you should take your child in for their ‘routine’ vaccinations.

Watch this video to learn what questions to ask before you decide on vaccination.

Watch the video now!

Prefer to read? Here’s the gist of what else Dr. Tim spoke about in this video clip.

Some Important Things You Need to Know About Vaccines

  1. In 1983, there was 23 doses of 7 different vaccines recommended by age six at a cost of just eighty dollars per child. Now here in 2018, there are 69 doses of 16 different vaccines by the age of 18 at a cost of $2,800 per child.
  2. Now there are hundreds of vaccines that are also in the research pipeline that are likely to come out sometime soon and also be required as part of this.
  3. Under the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, nearly $3.4 Billion in federal vaccine injury compensation has been paid to victims from vaccine injuries. The crazy part is is that the pharmaceutical companies that produced the vaccines are not liable for any adverse effects.
  4. Only two to three percent of adverse effects are even reported, so it is likely there are over 10 times more adverse reactions and effects affecting your health and your child’s health than are even reported. So this number paid out for vaccine injuries should be much higher.
  5. It is estimated that only one in 10 percent of those affected are shown in vaccine research. But it doesn’t mesh with what we’re seeing:
    • As many as one in 38 boys getting autism or somewhere on the autism disorder.
    • One in 12 kids having some type of neural developmental problem.
    • One in 9 having some type of allergy or asthma or other major health issue.

A lot of these conditions are linked back to vaccines.

The Most Important Questions to Ask Before You Vaccinate Your Child

  1. Am I or is my child sick right now?
  2. Have I or my child had a bad reaction to a vaccine before?
  3. Do I or my child have a personal or family history of vaccine reactions like neurological disorders, severe allergies or immune system problems?
  4. Do I know the disease and vaccine risks for myself and my child for each one of those vaccines that they ‘should be’ getting?
  5. Do I have the full information about the vaccines, side effects and potential adverse reactions?
  6. Do I know how to identify and report these adverse reactions?
  7. Do I know I need to keep a written record including the manufacturer’s name,  lot number for all vaccines?
  8. Do I know I have the right to make an informed choice?

These are questions you want to ask yourself when it’s time for you and your family to get your next round of vaccines.

If you want to get more resources, you can look at, or call our office and I’d be happy to share resources with you.

Contact us today and I’d be happy to share resources with you or visit for more resources. Make sure you’re sharing this information with other people because we’re here to create natural, healthy solutions so that you can heal from the inside out here with New Life Chiropractic.

Have you had the opportunity to join us at one of our community education events yet? During the community education events, Dr. Tim sifts through all of the knowledge out there to bring you key information about how to get healthy and stay that way and shares answers to frequently asked questions on chiropractic care and healthy eating. Enjoy the clips of previous events here.