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Cancer Prevention vs. Cancer Cure - It's In Your Hands!

This year, more than 1 million Americans and more than 10 million people worldwide are expected to be diagnosed with cancer, a disease commonly believed to be preventable.

Only 5-10% of all cancer cases can be attributed to genetic defects, whereas the remaining 90-95% have their roots in the environment and lifestyle.

This statement is very important because looking to the human genome for solutions to most chronic illnesses, including the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of cancer, is overemphasized in today’s world. Cancer continues to be a worldwide killer, despite the enormous amount of research and rapid developments seen during the past decade. With all the billions spent there have been no appreciable differences in death rates for cancer that have been observed in the United States.

Even after an additional quarter century of extensive research, researchers are still trying to determine whether cancer is preventable. They keep asking,

If it is preventable, why are we losing the war on cancer?

At the Battle Ready Workshop we will answer that question and give you the resources and lifestyle protocols to prevent cancer and strengthen you immune system!

The Opportunities for Cancer Prevention

The fact that only 5-10% of all cancer cases are due to genetic defects and that the remaining 90-95% are due to environment and lifestyle provides major opportunities for preventing cancer. The leading lifestyle risk factors are:

  • Tobacco
  • Alcohol
  • Diet
  • Infection
  • Obesity
  • Toxicity

Modify Your Diet to Prevent Cancer

Diet, obesity, and metabolic syndrome are very much linked to various cancers and may account for as much as 30-35% of cancer deaths, indicating that a significant amount of cancer deaths can be prevented by modifying the diet.

At the immunity event we will show you the foods to avoid and the foods to consume to prevent cancer and eliminate this huge risk. 

Get Physically Active to Prevent Cancer

There is extensive evidence suggesting that regular physical exercise may reduce the incidence of various cancers. A sedentary lifestyle has been associated with most chronic illnesses. Physical inactivity has been linked with increased risk of cancer of the breast, colon, prostate, and pancreas and of melanoma.

The increased risk of breast cancer among sedentary women that has been shown to be due to lack of exercise has been associated with a higher levels of estradiol, lower concentration of hormone-binding globulin, larger fat masses, and higher insulin levels.

Physical inactivity can also:

  • Increase the risk of colon cancer (most likely because of an increase in GI transit time, increasing the duration of contact with potential carcinogens)
  • Increase the circulating levels of insulin
  • Alter prostaglandin levels
  • Depress the immune function
  • Modify bile acid metabolism.

What does that mean? When you don’t exercise your body does not eliminate waste and your hormones do not function correctly.  A reduction of almost 50% in the incidence of colon cancer was observed among those with the highest levels of physical activity.

At the Immunity event we will show you the types of exercise that have the greatest reduction in cancer risks that can be done in just minutes per day!

Lifestyle Protocols That Increase Your Health

According the the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), “laboratory studies show that pesticides can cause health problems, such as birth defects, nerve damage, CANCER, and other effects that might occur over a long period of time.” These effects can be especially harmful to children because they weigh less and their natural detoxification mechanisms are still developing.

Knowing these healthy lifestyle protocols will significantly reduce your risks of cancer as much as 95% according to research. On October 21st at our Battle Ready Immunity event we will be discussing the lifestyle changes your need to know to prevent and even reverse cancer.


Join us for the Immunity Health Makeover Saturday October 21st, 2023 16at the office from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.