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How BrainSpan Functional and Nutrition Brain Testing Empowers Your Health Improvement Journey

Here in our Rocklin chiropractic office we promote very advanced levels of nutrition and functional health. A lot of people ask me about what they can do to support themselves with better nutrition. The first step?

Metabolic and nutrition testing.

I am very excited about is a new opportunity with a partnership we created with BrainSpan health testing. BrainSpan testing identifies the sources of inflammation and cellular dysfunction in your body. Inflammation, as many of you may know, is the root cause of not just pain, but:

  • neuro-developmental problems
  • ADHD
  • cognitive decline
  • joint issues
  • nerve pain
  • digestive problems
  • and a lot of chronic health issues.

BrainSpan testing involves a simple at-home lab test. The test looks at inflammation in your body, cellular health, and brain health. Included in each test is also the opportunity to do a complete neural brain health assessment online.

What Information Does BrainSpan Testing Provide?

While the test is done at home, the results will be sent directly to us so we can review them with you. From this one simple test we can find out:

  • the cellular health of your body
  • the inflammation in your body
  • the essential fatty acid levels in your body
  • and an overall look at brain and neurological function.

These results allows us to recommend real natural health solutions to many chronic health and pain related issues.

If you want to be one of the many people we help with this, learn more at You can only get access to this test through an authorized provider like New Life Chiropractic in Rocklin.  If you want to get more information about BrainSpan testing make sure you call and make an appointment at (916) 259-2682.

If you’re already a current patient, make sure that you ask about the BrainSpan testing and how it can help you. With just a simple test we can get a great look at what’s going on inside your body and we can put together some personalized resources for real natural health. As you progress, we will retest so you can see the results objectively of how your body is healing, how you’re reducing inflammation, and how you’re repairing cellular and neurological health.

Brain health is the key to better function and a better life. So let’s work together to help you get there.

Have Questions on Brain Health?

Join us for the BRAIN FIT Advanced Workshop on October 14, 2017 at the Mike Shellito Indoor Pool from 10 am to 1 pm.