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What one word can save your life?

Newsweek magazine published an article titled, “The One Word That Can Save Your Life.” When it comes to medical tests and procedures such as CT scans, mammograms, colonoscopies, medications, stents, etc. the one word that can save your life is:  NO!!! 

In the case of PSA blood tests for prostate cancer, electrocardiograms to screen for heart irregularities, and mammograms, the research shows they lead to too many false positives, which leads to a “dangerous odyssey of tests and procedures,” according to Stephen Smith of Brown University School of Medicine.

Most Medical Tests Do Not Save Lives

The research shows that these tests have not been shown to save lives.

More health care often means worse health care. There are many areas of medicine where not testing, not imaging, and not treating actually results in better health outcomes. – Dr. Rita Redberg, professor of medicine at the University of California

Archives, which is owned by the American Medical Association has been publishing study after study about tests and treatments that do more harm than good.

The Newsweek article goes on to say, “From PSA tests for prostate cancer (which more than 20 million U.S. men undergo every year) to surgery for chronic back pain to simple antibiotics for sinus infections, a remarkable number and variety of tests and treatments are now proving either harmful or only as helpful as a placebo.”

What Life Saving Steps Can You Take?

If medical tests and procedures are not the answer, what is? The answer is lifestyle and body function. You can’t concoct a study that doesn’t show that nearly all common disease, symptom, or illness is self-induced by how you’re living and how your body is functioning.

If problems were just genetic, then all 3 brothers would have prostate cancer, both sisters would have breast cancer, and everyone in the family would die before 60 of a stroke or heart attack. If the problems were solely environmental, then if one person at work or one kid at school got cold symptoms – the whole office or school would have them.

But, it never works out this way. Many studies show the only reason several people in the family all end up getting a similar condition is because the whole family lives similarly.

Rather than invasive tests and procedures, take control of your health and the way your body works. It’s far less expensive then tests, drugs, and surgery and the right habits and doctors that support your body’s function offer no side-effects other than better well-being.

Living a lifestyle that incorporates the 5 Essentials of Max Living hits all the components of health, immunity, and good function. Many people think that health is just something you swallow or if you have great abs, you have nothing to worry about.

Yet, if you’re trying to avoid the dangerous tests and procedures, it gets more complex. What are the right steps to being well?

  • Take in the right nutrients (not just being lighter)
  • Exercise properly (not just being more ripped)
  • Address the most important essential of a healthy spine and nervous system (which controls body function).

When you’re well, you don’t get a disease in the first place. Sometimes tests are necessary, but at their best, all they offer is early detection. You still have the disease and as the report above shows, you are now exposed to dangerous medical cures.

That is why the most important test you could ever do for you and your family is a 5 Essentials exam and Spinal X-rays. These procedures look at real health with the goal of correcting the cause of disease and dysfunction. When you learn the benefits of chiropractic treatment versus standard medical care you will be amazed.

Community Health Event

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Wednesday 6/3/15 at 6:30pm

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