
How to Have More Energy Every Day

I believe that when you live with energy and  you have that energy within you unlocked, every area of your life improves! You have the energy to wake up early and have a healthy breakfast with your kids. Your relationships improve. Your mood improves. You perform better, more calmly and with more clarity in your […]

Discover the Most Important Immune Superfoods

Immune superfoods boost up your immune system and make it as strong as possible. Ready to learn what the most important superfoods are? Watch the video below.

What are the Health Dangers of Refined Carbohydrates?

We hear conflicting information all the time about which foods are healthy and which are not. What’s the truth? Let’s find out!

The Secret to Reducing Inflammation Lies in Omega 3 Ratios

Omega 3’s – What are they? Omega 3s are found in fish oils and few select other foods. Other than supplementation, the only way to get enough is to eat wild fish two to three days a week along with a lot of things like Chia seeds, flax seeds, seaweeds and astaxanthin. This type of […]

How Does Sugar Consumption Increase Heart Attack Risk?

What is it that we eat on a regular basis? SUGAR. It seems hard to eat well, especially if you’re busy. If you had 20 minutes to eat, there’s probably ten places here that you can go to and get something in 20 minutes, and they are all unhealthy. It’s unfortunate. You can go to Jack […]

Are You Really What You Eat?

There is an old saying that many of you have probably heard, and I know I have said in the past, “you are what you eat.”  After years of study and research on how the body works I now know that is NOT TRUE. Remember, your body is more sophisticated than a simple closed system […]

Proven Sources of Tremendous Acidity in Your Diet

Is your body acidic? Do you drink soda on a regular basis? A can of soda has a pH of 2.5. If you put your teeth in soda, they will dissolve. It’s 50,000 times more acidic than neutral which is 7. Even drinking an occasional soda is not a good thing. It takes 30 cups […]

The Best Alternatives for Recovering From Digestive Disorders

Dietary choices contribute to a growing number of chronic and deadly diseases. Two key factors in the development of disease are: Lack of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. An overpopulation of undesirable gut bacteria. When the ability to properly digest and breakdown food is affected, it leads to a variety of digestive disorders and related issues […]

What is a GMO & How Does it Affect Me?

As doctors committed to preventing disease – and finding actual causes of disease when they do arise, it gets complicated to find answers. There are two major issues revolving around food today: “What” people are eating “How” what they’re eating is being grown or raised. At New Life Chiropractic, we know that health is produced […]

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Dr. Catherine is a Certified Birthfit Professional
Association - preferred by Dr. Axe local provider
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