
10 Natural Detox Strategies That Will Speed Up Weight Loss

While a healthy body can optimally #detoxify, so many things we confront daily will cause those toxins to accumulate, overwhelming your body’s defenses. Learn 10 natural ways to get rid of toxins.

How Chronic Inflammation Causes Most Diseases

You must understand that inflammation is the cause of most disease. If you remove the cause you create the cure within your own body. Want to learn how?

What is Regenerative Health Therapy? [Video FAQ]

  Today I want to talk to you about a very exciting opportunity that we just started doing here in the office. What we’re starting to do is regenerative health therapy. So for many people, they’ve had damage to their body over time, damage to joints. Maybe that’s a knee or an ankle, a hip, […]

How BrainSpan Functional and Nutrition Brain Testing Empowers Your Health Improvement Journey

    Here in our Rocklin chiropractic office we promote very advanced levels of nutrition and functional health. A lot of people ask me about what they can do to support themselves with better nutrition. The first step? Metabolic and nutrition testing. I am very excited about is a new opportunity with a partnership we […]

The Direct Link Between Inflammation and Chronic Disease

An essential component that you must understand is that inflammation is the cause of disease.  90% of all Americans living today have very significant disruptions in the fatty acid composition of the organs, tissues, and CELLS of the entire body and brain. The good news is that there are many proven and effective methods to […]

Why Does Inflammation Cause Disease and How Can It Be Cured?

You must understand that inflammation is the cause of disease. Let me repeat that so everyone completely understands: Chronic inflammation is the cause of dis-ease. The good news is that there are many proven and effective methods to reduce and eliminate inflammation in the body.  The most effective way is to live and breathe the […]

What Is The Underlying Cause of Thyroid Issues?

Your thyroid gland controls a number of processes in your body, including energy, weight, and hormone balance as well as being a key component of the endocrine system. The production and use of thyroid hormones are a complex and important process. Taking replacement thyroid hormones for your thyroid issues without addressing the underlying immune imbalance […]

10 Important Blood Levels to Monitor Annually

Many people ask me what type of blood tests they need? What can they do to check in on what’s going on inside the body? So I decided to write a post and make it easy for you. The Most Important Blood Tests Here are the blood levels you should monitor every year.  Many times […]

How to Fight Inflammation with Normal Omega 3 Levels

Essential fatty acids are, well, absolutely essential! We measure this for people all the time by looking at the level of Omega 3 versus Omega 6 in the bloodstream. Omega 6 fatty acids come from things like grains, bread, wheat and pasta, and rice. Omega 3 fatty acids, which is the good fat, comes from raw seeds and […]

The Secret to Reducing Inflammation Lies in Omega 3 Ratios

Omega 3’s – What are they? Omega 3s are found in fish oils and few select other foods. Other than supplementation, the only way to get enough is to eat wild fish two to three days a week along with a lot of things like Chia seeds, flax seeds, seaweeds and astaxanthin. This type of […]

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Dr. Catherine is a Certified Birthfit Professional
Association - preferred by Dr. Axe local provider
ICPA Kids Health with Chiropractic supporting memeber
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