cancer prevention

Must Know For All Women Who Don’t Want Cancer

1 out of every 8 woman are diagnosed with Breast Cancer. We know you don’t want cancer, nobody does so it’s important to know if you have risk factors and learn how to prevent it. What Are Some Top Risk Factors For Breast Cancer? Do you experience any of the following? Hot flashes Anxiety PMS […]

Is It Time For A Health Reset?

Do you feel like your life has fallen off track? Do you need a health reset? If your life is anything like mine, there are times of transition where it is simple to fall off track with health and many non-urgent, yet important areas of life.  When pressing issues come up that are urgent it […]

The Direct Link Between Inflammation and Chronic Disease

An essential component that you must understand is that inflammation is the cause of disease.  90% of all Americans living today have very significant disruptions in the fatty acid composition of the organs, tissues, and CELLS of the entire body and brain. The good news is that there are many proven and effective methods to […]

How Chiropractic Care Boosts Immunity & Reduces Chronic Illness

Our bodies are constantly under attack from foreign invaders such as environmental toxins, pollutants, bacteria, germs and viruses. The immune system is our body’s natural defense against these attackers. Did you know that chiropractic care boosts immunity so you can fight these invaders? The immune system is made up of organs, structures and white blood […]

5 Essentials to Prevent Cancer: #1 Core Chiropractic & Mindset

Knowing isn’t half the battle. It is the battle. Understand the enemy’s weaknesses to conquer your fears. Subluxation subverts even the healthiest looking people, allowing disease to develop. The first essential to prevent cancer is to adopt the mindset of an Overcomer and begin maximizing your body’s powerful nerve supply. If you believe you have the […]

How To Ensure The Healthy Power Is On In Your Body

Many of your hear me say “Power is On” after an adjustment and you may wonder what that means. This healthy power runs through the brain and spinal cord and creates, directs and controls every function in every being and thing on earth. If the power is off, the body will eventually be overcome with […]

How a Toxic Burden Leads to Cancer Risk

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), “Laboratory studies show that pesticides can cause health problems, such as birth defects, nerve damage, CANCER, and other effects that might occur over a long period of time.” These health effects can be especially prevalent in children because they weigh less, and their natural detoxification mechanisms are still developing. Due […]

What is the Genetic Risk of Cancer?

This year, more than 1 million Americans and more than 10 million people worldwide are expected to be diagnosed with cancer, a disease commonly believed to be preventable. Only 5–10% of all cancer cases can be attributed to genetic defects, whereas the remaining 90–95% have their roots in the environment and lifestyle. This statement is […]

How to Avoid a Breast Cancer Diagnosis

1 out of every 8 woman are diagnosed with Breast Cancer Are you at risk? Do you experience any of the following: Hot flashes Anxiety PMS Bladder infections Bloating Insomnia Breast tenderness Heavy bleeding Migraine headaches Acne Thinning hair If you said ‘yes’ to 2 or more then you may be heading towards a hormonally […]

How Pesticides Create a Toxic Burden That Increases Cancer Risk

Laboratory studies show that pesticides can cause health problems, such as birth defects, nerve damage, CANCER, and other effects that might occur over a long period of time. – Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), These effects can be especially harmful to children because they weigh less and their natural detoxification mechanisms are still developing. Due to the […]

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