5 Essentials

Understanding the Value of Corrective Care

Just as with dental hygiene, you need to address spinal stressors on a regular basis if you do not want decay and to lose the use of your spine before you hit fifty.

Back Cracking for Temp Relief vs. Essential Chiropractic Care [Video FAQ]

We’re not just the pain relief, back crack, quick fix type office. We’re about improving the whole lifestyle, and taking care of the whole person, for the entire family.

The Four Keys to Maximizing Digestive Health

A key factor in the development of most diseases is an unhealthy gut. So how can you avoid these poor choices and maximize your digestive health?

How Your Spine Stimulates Your Brain

The spine and structure of the body have 90% of the connections to the brain and nervous system.  That is why we take care of the “whole person” instead of picking out just a diseased organ or area of pain like the medical approach.

5 Essentials Guide to a Healthy Life

Here at New Life Chiropractic we are always working towards being a 10 in all 5 essentials, and we can show you how to also.

Is Your Sunscreen Causing Cancer?

Do you avoid the sun? Slather on sunscreen whenever you go outside? Maybe you shouldn’t! Your sunscreen can be causing cancer!

Want Better Health? Start with WHY!

Why do you want to be healthy? Do you believe it’s possible for you? We are here to help you better understand and manage your health now to keep you healthy long-term.

The Beneficial Effects of Low Level Laser Therapy

Learn the 10 Beneficial Effects of Low Level Laser Therapy

3 Ways to Boost Heart Health Naturally

Heart disease contributes globally to over 17 million deaths yearly. That’s over one-third of all deaths for people over 35. Learn 3 ways to prevent heart disease.

5 Essentials Care for the Whole Family [Video FAQ]

“What’s this 5 Essentials all about?” Well here in our office and with Max Living we focus on five key essentials to living a healthy lifestyle. Why? Because they are the foundation of health.

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Dr. Catherine is a Certified Birthfit Professional
Association - preferred by Dr. Axe local provider
ICPA Kids Health with Chiropractic supporting memeber
Rocklin Chamber of Commerce member
Roseville Chamber of Commerce member